An active duty military person sent the above comparative graphic -- a devastating one -- to Larry Johnson, an expert on military matters and security, who blogs at: http://noquarterusa.net/. I urge you to acquaint yourself with Larry's online work; he's as good as it gets. Beneath this paragraph I have an excerpt from Larry's column entitled "Barack Obama Folds on General Clark."
I call the McCain-Obama image above one of Obama's (many) "Dukakis Moments." I'm referring to the photos and videos in 1988 that showed Michael Dukakis in an ill-fitting helmet, grinning absurdly as he rode around in a small tank. On seeing that, millions of Americans decided Dukakis was not the man they wanted to be commander-in-chief. Trust me, Obama faces a similar fate.
On my other blogs today I'll be talking about Gov. Kathleen Sibelius' ridiculous comment that people who call the lightweight Obama "inexperienced" or "too liberal" are using code words for racism. Kathleen, that dog won't hunt anymore.
Obama isn't only inexperienced and wildly liberal, it is he who is the racist. He's the one who called his grandmother -- now featured in ads directed at white voters -- "a typical white person." The national media gives him a free pass on that racist comment, but the voters won't.
As Larry Johnson says in the following graph, Obama is also a coward -- a man who kicks his surrogates under the bus when it's to his political advantage.
"Judging from Barack’s behavior in the aftermath of [General Clark's] comments [critical of McCain] Clark may be having second thoughts. The North Vietnamese tortured John McCain for years but he resisted until he was physically broken and scarred for life. What did it take to make Barack crack? Some pointed criticism from Republicans. Barack was not hung by his arms and beaten by bamboo. Nonetheless, in a quintessential display of cowardice as a leader, he sold out Wesley Clark. Note to Clark–nice try General, but it is time to realize that Barack does not stand and take the fire. He cuts and runs. He is a coward. "
I couldn't say it better.
1 comment:
Good Job! :)
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