Monday, May 10, 2010

Christine O'Donnell: Christian, Conservative, Constitutionalist

Christine O'Donnell, candidate for US Senate in Delaware, is running against "the machine." What is the machine? It consists of career politicians, lobbyists and "big donors," and members of the political establishment. Christine's campaign will be a model for all insurgents. It will rely on massive volunteer support from all 50 states. And it will require patriots to dig deeply to provide the essential money needed to get her message across. Please sign up at Christine's web site: And please distribute these graphics to everyone you know. If we do these things, Christine will win . . . and help crush the political machine.

The sign at the pro-illegals rally says it all: "Give us Free . . . Health Care . . . Jobs -- No Taxes . . . House . . . Food . . YOU OWE US AMERICA! We will shoot . . . more police in . . . Arizona until . . . WE GET FREE!

Christine O'Donnell, GOP Establishment, Delaware, US Senate Delaware, Illegal Immigrants

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