Friday, March 14, 2008


If you want to know the reason for tonight's (Friday's) headline, just scroll down slowly through the columns below to read the kind of "spiritual" advice Barack Obama and his wife have been receiving from Jeremiah A. Wright.

On my blog tonight, I'm calling for Barack Obama to end his campaign. Because of the Wright situation, he is no longer a viable candidate for President. I also believe he should resign from the U.S. Senate.

For Obama to pretend, as he is tonight on FOX and CNN, that the national revulsion over Wright all came as a surprise to him is ridiculous. His Church gave Louis Farrakhan a "Lifetime Achievement Award." You will hear in response that is was Trumpet Magazine, which is no longer associated with the Church that gave it. In fact, Wright's daughter is the editor of Trumpet, a pro-Black, anti-White publication Wright started. Obama's reaction to the "Achievement" award was to ignore it.

The real issue is this: who exactly is Barack Obama? Is he just perhaps not this individual who wants to transcend race (except, of course, when he sops up 90%-plus of the Black vote in the South)? Or is he perhaps someone who looks at the world much like his "spiritual advisor," Jeremiah Wright? I have paid a lot more attention in the past few years to Obama than he deserved, but I have no idea what the correct answer is to that question.

His wife, Michelle, only became "proud" of American when it became clear her husband was (key word) a viable candidate for the Presidency. In that regard, Michelle Obama apparently learned a lot from Jeremiah Wright, who hates his native land.

Perhaps the most sickening thing on the video tapes of Wright ranting away is to look the audience, a bunch of Yahoos. When Wright blames America for 9/11, the congregants are standing, whooping, and ecstatic. Were Obama and Michelle perhaps there on that day? And did they perhaps join the applause? That is the "church community" Obama speaks so lovingly about in his fine baritone.

This is the man who would be President. He and his Pastor are disgraces to their race -- the human race.

Barack, go. Go in peace or go in anger, but just go. "Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us."

Bill Clinton and the Culture of Death

The following is a column I wrote for my friends at the Black Conservatives Group on Yahoo.

Steubenville, OH ( -- Former president Bill Clinton made a campaign stop for Hillary in Steubenville, Ohio on Sundayand found himself greeted by more than 100 pro-life students from nearby Steubenville University. According to eye witnessesaccounts, Clinton lost his temper and lashed out at the pro-life students during the speech.

Full story:

The students from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, who confronted President Clinton on the issue of abortion are some of the best young people in our area -- I live not too far from Steubenville. Bill Clinton accused them -- falsely -- of wanting to "criminalize abortion, etc."

The students in fact were making the point that a society which has a high level of abortion such as ours diminishes the overall respect for life, leading to abuse, crimes against people, and the like. It's an issue that any decent human being -- a category that doesn't include the philandering, cynical President Clinton -- must grapple with. The students have an concern that Clinton should have dealt with respectfully and thoughtfully. He didn't.

In the period of the Great Society and after, many bad things have happened in America, particularly in the Black community. Two generations ago, the rate of abortion among Black teens was LOWER than in the white community. Now, it is much, much higher -- four times the rate with white teens. Essentially, we have a community that is "doing away with" its future. We need to love children, not discard them as if they were human garbage.

Bill Clinton probably knows this, but he doesn't care about it. For him, it's all about his wife getting elected -- period.

By the way, Barack Obama voted in the Illinois Senate for what's called "live birth abortions." His vote meant that physicians didn't have to care for children who were born alive as a result of "botched" abortions. Essentially, it was a vote for infanticide. He should be ashamed of himself, but unfortunately shame is not his strong suit.

Of course, Obama doesn't debate the pros-and-cons of such procedures. Instead, he relies on windy rhetoric ("Yes we can"). However, for infants in need of care and basically asking if they can live, his slogan is "No, you can't." So much for "universal health care."

As a society, we can't fall into the trap of saying, "Well, we respect life some of the time but not all of the time." What that leads to is what we have now, where the "Angel of Death" is a constant presence in Black communities. People like Bill Clinton aggravate that situation.

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