Saturday, November 29, 2008


After my experience working with more than 300 bloggers on the "NoBama Mission Bloggers" group, there's a great need for "Sarah Bloggers" to speak coherently and persuasively about our favorite candidate.

A key for Gov. Palin in getting elected in 2012 is to increase her appeal to moderate and independent voters. Bloggers can help her do by emphasizing . . . her moderation and her independence. Sounds simple, right? Well, it is.

In the recent election, some bloggers wasted tens of thousands of hours trying to deliver a knockout blow to Obama (Ayers! Kenya! Raila Odinga! Rev. Wright! birth certificate!). That was a failed effort. It didn't work. Barack Obama got elected by a substantial majority.

As muckrakers, bloggers aren't very effective -- unless they also get support from the MSM. Anti-Obama material had no traction with the major networks or the big print media. Sadly, many bloggers just "didn't get it" that their "revelations" had almost no effect.

Unfortunately, the anti-Sarah smears did have some traction. Most Obama voters believed that Sarah said, "I can see Russia from my house." In fact, Tina Fey said that on SNL. Sarah never said any such thing.

The MSM helped the Sarah smears, which ranged from lies to misinformation, to stick.With Sarah Palin. We need a positive, compelling message. That may be a challenge because (I believe) the Obama presidency is going to be a traumatic experience for most Americans, and there may be a tempation to fixate on his inadequacies.

I've been asking/urging bloggers and other onliners to join ReadMyLipstickNetwork. If we do our work right, we should have thousands (3,000? 4,000?) bloggers in place six months before the election. They could be a powerful force.

Okay, I found the NoBama Mission Bloggers (maybe 20-plus of them) were producing material superior to anything that was appearing in the NYTimes, WashPost, Newsweek, etc. We need to figure out ways to get the best material out to a wide audience. A big part of "media reform" will be to encourage the new, alternative media represented by bloggers.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Media Hyenas Baying at Sarah

The following is a release from Paul Stetiz's 2012DraftSarahCommittee.

When the British marched out of Boston toward Lexington and Concord, they marched in formation as had troops in Europe for generations. If they met the enemy the orders were given, "level, fire." The soldiers did not aim but merely leveled their rifles and fired at a distance of less than a hundred yards.

But the Colonial Minutemen did not mass up and level their rifles. They had used their rifles to hunt. They aimed their rifles to hit the target. And their targets were the officers (the leaders) of the British troops.

The left-wing journalists (MSNBC the most rabid of the cable channels) are recognizing what a threat Sarah Palin is and therefore, as with the British officers, they are targeting her. (Somehow they are not following Newt Gingrich.) It is amazing that they are sending a` crew to Alaska simply to follow Sarah around.

The objective is obviously to discredit Gov. Palin, that is to jump on a mistake, have her awkwardly answer a question, or in this case, juxtapose Sarah talking to a journalist against a background of what actually happens in a slaughtering house, they kill birds to eat.

Or as someone responded to me, I am telling you this, if I find out any of the turkey's I have ever eaten --- if our grocery store has been buying dead turkeys to sell us at Thanksgiving there is going to be heck to pay!!

Now to the simple-minded, (I am surrounded by such liberals at work), this incident is but further proof of Gov. Palin's incompetence, and much the subject of laughter, but the feeble minded are easily amused.

To Gov. Sarah Palin supporters, "get used to it." Gov. Palin is more a threat to Obama and the Democrats than any other person on the planet, and the left-wing is going to do everything possible to take her down. Such trivial incidents are going to be made much of, because on the big issues, she is very much in tune with the American public.

Leaders are not leaders because they have any specific set of characteristics. There is no paper test to take. Rather, leaders are leaders because they attract followers to listen to them, to understand them, to respect them and to support them. Sarah has that, that is why she is dangerous, and that is why left-wing crews are in Alaska to tape her every move.

She is a threat to them and they know it.
You betcha!

Paul Streitz
Gov. Sarah Palin flyer, poll, buttons, etc. available at

p.s. please forward this email to your friends.

Is the mainstream media really out "to get Sarah Palin." You betcha. Paul Streitz explains why in the material above. To find out more about Paul and his efforts, go to: Paul's release shows what we're up againt. The next issue, one I'll be exploring this week on my "Sarah" blog (, is what we do about it. Basically, we need to let the MSM know we're very much aware of their game -- and that they'll pay a heavy cost if they continue it.

We have some great advantages, including some of the best writer-activists in America who strongly back Gov. Palin. One is Paul Stretiz. Another is Cindy Reidhead, who blogs at: Cindy is an expert on American icon Wyatt Earp. She's also an expert on how to win elections. People like Cindy and Paul will be critical components in the "new media" that is rendering the MSM increasingly irrelevant.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

David Letterman Hates Sarah Palin

The national effort to get the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to stick its thumb in David Letterman's eye is a good one. As you'll see in the letter from Emily (of, below in italics), Letterman has taken to insulting Gov. Sarah Palin -- and the example Emily cites isn't the only one.

As a group, we aren't YET strong to "bring down" a David Letterman, but we're getting there. Our model should be the massive, effective criticism of leftists (and misogynists) Chris Mathews and Keith Olberman of MSNBC. We didn't get them fired, but we reduced their status -- and put the entire media on notice that blatant bias and propaganda aren't acceptable. We need to do the same for Letterman.

My intention is to spend several days writing (on my Sarah blog) about Letterman and a few other media simpletons who deserve condemnation. I hope other bloggers and onliners will do the same.

People like Letterman have done great damage to our country. They have nothing of value to say. They promote a culture of self-absorption, materialism, and human degradation. They're as ignorant as their "guests," nonentities like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Janet Jackson.

The last time I watched an entire "Letterman Show" was in 2001, right after 9/11. His guest was Dan Rather. It was clear that neither man had any grasp of what had transpired at the WTC and the Pentagon, let alone the heroic actions of the Americans aboard Flight 93.

They had no understanding of the Middle East, the Islamic religion, or the al Qaeda terrorists . Both of them ended up blubbering, paddling around in a sea of self-pity. It was a disgraceful episode.

It's impossible to separate the decline of the American media -- would any sane person spend a significant amount of time watching CNN or reading the Washington Post? -- from the election of Barack H. Obama.

A nation nurtured by Letterman, Oprah, and (three-out-of-four) ladies of "The View" is likely to elect a demagogic windbag like Obama. A country that's dumbed down and desensitized can't resist a man who talks much -- and says little. Obama would be a perfect guest on Letterman: a gabby "celebrity" of limited accomplishments and insights.

The character and values represented by a Sarah Palin mystify most of the media. Since they essentially believe in nothing, they exist as little more than pampered, opinionated children. When they encounter an adult, a Sarah, they react with fear and loathing. She reminds them of their own shallowness and immaturity. Anyway, I hope you will write a short e-mail -- in your own words -- to the FCC [see below]. When it comes to Letterman, let them know that, in the words of Queen Victoria, "we are not amused."EMILY'S MESSAGE IS BELOW:

A message to all members of Team Sarah

Such hypocrites! Two nights ago, David Letterman, in interviewing Katie Couric, described Gov. Palin as "the first vice presidential candidate that I found myself being aroused about."

It is ghastly that this kind of discourteous, indecent talk should pass for conversational fodder -- even on late night TV.

This violates CBS's own "Program Practices" specifically states that: "The Program Practices editors review material for excessive or gratuitous violence, sexuality, nudity and inappropriate language. They ensure that character portrayals are sensitive to current ethnic, religious, sexual and other significant social concerns."

A violation? What do *you* think? Well, don't just think it! Make your voice heard.

Email the Federal Communications Commission!

Email, tell them your name, where you are from, and EXACTLY how you feel about Letterman taking indecent liberties with a dignified lady, mom, and governor on his show!--

-- Enily

Friday, November 21, 2008

How Sarah Palin Becomes President

Sarah Palin: Hope for Americans Valuing Freedom, Tolerance, and Opportunity

As we end the "grieving process" over the election of Barack H. Obama, we must turn to forming alliances that will ensure the self-absorbed President-elect endures the fate he so richly deserves: a one-term presidency.

Some words about who's getting this e-mail. It includes Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and a few Libertarians. Recipients include African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans, as well as Australians, Canadians, and an Indian computer whiz.

Many of you are bloggers, including veterans of the "NoBama Mission" efforts. Some of the most creative political activists in the world are reading this, including one woman who helped ensure that every county in her state went for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Another person - a blogger - was a major factor in Gov. Palin's getting the Republican nomination, a fact she herself acknowledged.

If, as appears likely, Governor Palin chooses to run for the presidency, some people reading this should be the ones who play major roles in the campaign. Although you'll all make your own choices, my blog(s) will advocate the nomination and election of Gov. Sarah Heath Palin in 2012. will function as a clearing house for organizations and information helpful to the Governor's cause. I'll also work to coordinate "payback" for the Obama Campaign (which, trust me, is endless) and its media minions who are dedicated to smearing Sarah Palin and her family.

My other blog (stevemaloneygop) will emphasize issues of concern to patriotic Americans who reject Obama's "Socialism Lite," his weakness on matters of national defense and security, and his disregard for constitutional principles. Beginning this weekend, I'll be writing about two key questions: (1) "Why Sarah?"; (2) "Why now?" Short answers: (1) She's the best candidate with a chance to win in 2012, and, (2) if we wait until 2011 or 2012 to select a candidate, we might as well let Obama run unopposed.

I won't really have a specific organization for you to join, but I urge you to sign up with effective, action-oriented groups like those highlighted below: (RMLN)

This terrific site for bloggers and others is managed by Janet in Georgia. She says the following: "The Network originally came into being when the press started going after Sarah Palin. Some of our blogs were already going in full force supporting John McCain and / or conservative issues. Many of our blogs were rolled out, brand new, just for the Network. As we blogged, we grew. We attracted a wide variety of bloggers writing about a broad spectrum of issues. Our blogs are maintained by Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Republicans and those who aren't sure where they fall except they hold to the principles and values that have made our country the greatest in the world. . . . We've grown and we're still growing. We want to be the voice that is missed when you pick up the local newspapers or visit mainstream media websites." ("ModCon")

"Winning the war of ideas. One mind at a time." On ModCon's approach: There are 3150 counties in the US, and ModCon wants to organize in all of them. It is headed by some of the most effective voices in the conservative movement.

This is a big organization that's on its way to becoming HUGE. Right after the election, it had 45,000 members; now, it will exceed 60,000. It is endorsing Sarah Palin for President in 2012. It emphasizes timely, practical actions that are essential to political victories. Here's what it says about the Georgia senatorial runoff:

"Calling all Team Sarah members to make phone calls in the Georgia Senate runoff race. We cannot lose another seat in the Senate-- we must have Saxby Chambliss' vote to STOP Obama's radical plans."Please make phone calls to Georgia voters today and remind them how critical it is that the vote for Saxby in the runoff."You can access an online phone bank here: ("Wake Up America")

"Wake Up America (WAM) is a grassroots movement emphasizing effective cultural and political actions, including:
o Bringing about reforms in the Mainstream Media to better serve the public interest;
o Influencing mass media to report vital news & information accurately and objectively;
o Disseminating public information that increases integrity and transparency in Washington, D.C.;
o Supporting public officials to place the Will of the People over self-serving interests;
o Generating effective action in Congress on critical issues of concern to most Americans.

On DraftPalin2012, I'll be writing in the weeks ahead about other organizations that deserve your support. Which of the above organization should you join? I've joined all them. In fact, my hope is that eventually they'll combine forces and become the very large, effective group we need to win future elections.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Above: Wonders never cease. President of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW gives Sarah Palin a powerful endorsement (rally in Carson City, NV)

In general, I'm going to be on "hiatus" through December 1, 2008, although I will produce a few columns from time-to-time. Right now, I'm mainly involved in acquainting activists -- well over 100 of them -- with one another. These are people who are going to play a crucial role in helping us regain political power. They will be key individuals in defeating Barack H. Obama in 2012. So, keep returning, as you've always done -- and have a great Thanksgiving. Thank you and God bless.

[Note; If you're a political activist interested in finding the most effective ways to defeat Obama in 2012, please send me an e-mail at: If you're already on my mailing lists, you don't have to sign up again.]

Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama-Axelrod: Deceit, Information Grabs

Note: Until Jan. 1, 2009, I'll be cross-posting here and on I'll have fresh columns 5-6 times per week on

Dear Friends: Please read the following (in italics) from Janet of the ReadMyLipstickNetwork. "I expect all of you would check out a website before adding it as a link or making it part of your blogroll, and you may already be familiar with this one, however, just to be on the safe side wanted to let you know that redirects straight to a donation page for Obama / Biden. Someone just sent it to us wanting to join the network. Ha ha. We've also had one titled 'when pigs can fly palin' want to join..." -- Janet

The Obama Campaign does something people like Janet and I, as well as other Palin backers, will NEVER do: it participates in "information grabs," an especially sleazy practice.

What is an "information grab?" Let me give you an example: if you remember back to August, Axelrod/Obama announced that people who gave them their cell phone numbers would get an early heads-up on The Chosen One's vice-presidential choice.In fact, the text message about the Biden selection went out 3-4 hours AFTER the news announcement appeared on TV.

So, the people who provided the cell numbers got nothing of value. On the other hand, what did the Obama Campaign get? It received valuable information: more than 500,000 cell phone numbers. Thus, it was able to use those numbers to solicit donations and other forms of support. It was underhanded and cynical.

Sadly, it was helpful to a campaign willing to do anything to win the election. Axelrod/Obama had no interest in providing real information to its supporters. It had great interest in stealing their cell phone numbers.

Obama and his personal Svengali, the odious David Axelrod, will do any to undermine Gov. Palin, their most feared opponent. One of my favorite quotes -- a masterpiece of alliteration -- from early in the presidential campaign was a headline in the Black Conservatives Group, which read, "Democrats Desperate to Dig Up Dirt to Destroy Palin.' Famously, Obama dispatched 30 lawyers to Alaska to find out -- and to make up -- information harmful to the Governor.

What dirt did they find? Basically, they discovered none. Thus, it largely fell to Obama supporters, such as "Markos," the founder of Daily Kos, to invent preposterous stories aimed at harming the Governor.

One of those was the Kos story that Bristol Palin was the mother of baby Trig. Of course, it turned out that when Trig was born, Bristol was newly pregnant with her own unborn child, whose name will not be "Trig." In short, the Kos story was despicable, an outright lie.

Did the many lies hurt Gov. Palin? Sadly, they did. People are gullible. If they hear something on CNN or MSNBC, two of the main media culprits, the tendency is to believe it. I avoid such a temptation by never watching CNN or MSNBC.

"Information" from the Obama Campaign -- and, trust me, it continues -- is invariably false or misleading. With them, mendacity is a way of life. In their world, "spin" is reality. Thus, Obama and friends delight in grabbing information from unwitting individuals. However, they don't PROVIDE information -- factual, verifiable truths.

I've taken a few days off, but I'll be writing again on my main blogs, including this one and My emphasis will be on simple, practical steps Gov. Palin should take to build up support to defeat Obama in 2012.

If you've been watching Sarah Palin on TV recently, you may note that she's doing everything necessary to take such a step -- aside, perhaps from wearing a "Palin for President" button.Mainly because of his embrace of deceit, cynicism, and voter fraud, Obama is not going to be easy to beat. However, defeating him is not a hopeless task. In fact, if John McCain had received a million more votes in the right states he would now be President-elect.

There's no reason Sarah Palin couldn't get those million votes -- and then some. Remember, it's not necessary to win the popular vote, which skews in the favor of the Democratic candidate (mainly because he gets huge majorities in CA, NY, and IL). Prevailing in the electoral college is lot easier than winning a "paper" majority in the popular vote.

NOTE: I'd be very interested in your own thoughts on any of the subjects covered here, particularly steps you believe the Gov. should take. Thanks.

And Happy Thanksgiving to all! Let's continue to take the actions necessary to make Thanksgiving, 2012 the happiest one of all.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Roman Catholics, Obama, Abortion, FOCA

I sent the following message to Catholic activist Mary McCurry. Frankly, I want the RC Church to make a clear point: that one can be either a Roman Catholic or an Obama voter, but not both. If the Church does not make this point clearly before the 2012 election, it will descend into total irrelevance. It would become nothing more than one more social organization.

Mary, the response of the Roman Catholic Church to the candidacy of the most pro-abortion candidate in American history was thoroughly inadequate. Any politician or voter who supported Obama-Biden should be excommunicated. For whatever reasons, the Church is unwilling to take that necessary step.

Frankly, some Catholics, including priests, are willing to let the church become a civic/social organization with much diminished moral standing. I am a Roman Catholic who is increasingly embarrassed by the timidity and moral drift of the Church leadership.

Yes, prayer is extremely important, but it should not be seen as a substitute for moral courage. The fact that a majority of Roman Catholics voted for Obama is a sign that the teaching function of the Church is undergoing total chaos.

If a pro-life candidate, such as Sarah Palin, is running against a pro-abortion candidate, such as Obama, no Catholic can in good conscience vote Obama. The Church leadership needs to make that very clear to its members.

On the so-called "Freedom of Choice Act," which Obama has pledged to sign, which would open the floodgates to abortion-on-demand.

It's essential that the Senate use a filibuster against this piece of extremist legislation. If that doesn't work, we will need to turn to the Supreme Court.

As Justice Scalia said recently, "The Constitution does not prohibit abortion. The Constitution does not permit abortion." What he's saying is quite clear: The U.S. Constitution does not address the subject of abortion. This is not Scalia's "opinion"; it is a statement of fact.

The Constitution is a written document, available for all to read. It's not a "living document," one subject to judicial whims. Also, it's not some figment of Barack Obama's addled imagination.

Abortion is therefore one of those issues covered by the Tenth Amendment. That means it is up to states and individuals in each state. Neither Congress nor the Court has the right -- the authority -- to usurp power belonging to the states and their citizens.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Morris: Palin GOP Ticket Savior

Mother and daughter . . .
I'll be writing tomorrow and this weekend about why Obama's toadies in the media dislike Sarah Palin. The only one who seem to like her -- in addition to me and my readers -- are the American people.

If you read Dick Morris' piece above (click on the link), you'll see the powerful, positive effect she had on the GOP campaign.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

PAC Supports Sarah Palin

Will Gov. Sarah Palin end up running all the way from Wasilla, Alaska, to the White House?

The following blog article on Sarah Palin and the Our Country Deserves Better PAC is from the New York Times. You can visit my regular Palin blog by clicking here.

November 11, 2008, 5:49 pm — Updated: 12:45 pm -->Palin’s Appeal Proves DurableBy Sarah Wheaton

As she seeks to recover politically from her failed election bid on Senator John McCain’s ticket, the big question for Gov. Sarah Palin has been whether her backers would remain enthusiastic over the long run.

As it turns out, over the past few days, about 1,000 people have donated tens of thousands of dollars to Our Country Deserves Better, a political action committee that is planning a pro-Palin advertisement later this month.

“We thought it would be appropriate to have the thank-you ad run around Thanksgiving,” said Joe Wiezbicki, the PAC’s coordinator. The group expects to shoot on Monday and raise “a couple hundred thousand dollars” to buy airtime nationally.

Our Country Deserves Better, based in Sacramento, was founded during the campaign to draw contrasts between Senator Barack Obama and John McCain, holding a cross-country, 40-stop tour and even running a pro-Palin commercial. Ms. Palin’s nomination brought praise from conservatives, and she drew large, enthusiastic crowds.

But now, Mr. Wierzbicki said, there has been “an absence of a pro-Palin cohort.”

“This woman’s reputation is going to be so damaged that she can never be a national political figure,” he added. So the goal of the ad is to “preserve her options.”

Mr. Wierzbicki said he was “surprised” by the response so far, which he called a “testament to her”, given typical post-election fatigue, especially on the losing side.

“I don’t think we would’ve seen the same level of response” if the planned spot were to defend Mr. McCain, he said.

NOTE: You can contribute to the Our Country Deserves Better PAC by clicking HERE.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama Will Tear Down Constitution

A friend wrote that we need to give President-elect Obama "a chance." Below is my response.

Obama is what he has said and done, including his associations. He is not now some Platonic "President Obama" who is detached from such actions and relationships and thus worthy of our respect.

If I had been President Bush, I would not have invited Obama to the White House -- now or ever. They can talk over the phone.

Yes, Bush has his limitations (and they are many), but the hatred (right word) shown by Obama, Biden, Dean, Brazille, Pelosi, Reid, and other Democrats toward an elected President, Bush, has diminished the office of the presidency. It has made it nearly impossible for Obama -- or any future President -- to govern.

The same campaign of hatred was used against Gov. Sarah Palin, and its originators were David Axelrod, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and their media minions, including the Daily Kos and The Obama Democrats are a menace to any decent person who opposes their hate-mongering

That's why I would urge Kathy and any others inclined to "give President Obama a chance" to rethink their positions. He has no history of respecting "moderates" anymore than he has "conservatives." His record is one of Far-Left extremism. Why should we expect anything better in the future?

The Obama Administration shows every sign of doing great damage to what we've always thought of as "America."

On January 20, 2009, Barack H. Obama will swear to uphold the Constitution. Shortly after, he will begin tearing it down.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sarah Palin for POTUS: 2012

It's not exactly a secret that I have a new blog -- -- that I hope to keep going through Inauguration Day, 2013. On that day, the woman above should be be installed as America's first female President. If you want to be a part of that process, please come to the DraftPalin2012 site and learn what you can do to make it all happen. In the future, this Steve Maloney GOP site will continue. I'll cross-post columns on another site: I appreciate the 60,000 hits this site has had, and I hope you all keep returning.

If we have a million-plus activists, "boots on the ground," by 2011 -- including your boots -- we can take the next election. We can't win it by hoping. We can win it by working . . . organizing . . . and communicating.

Monday, November 3, 2008

America's Couple: Todd, Sarah Palin

I hope you'll go to my brand-new blog and see some superb photos of Todd and Sarah Palin. Tomorrow morning (Tuesday), I'll be writing about Pennsylvania and why I believe McCain-Palin will win the state in a very close race. Above are some samples of the photos you'll see at

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Can McCain Still Win Presidency?

Palin: Is this the face of America's next Vice President. (Note: Please visit -- and bookmark -- my new site by clicking on the following:

I expect Barack Obama to win the popular vote by perhaps three million ballots. However, that doesn't mean John McCain has no chance to win the presidency. How could that happen?

To emerge with a victory on Nov. 4, McCain needs to win Ohio, FL, PA, OH, NC, and VA. Other than that, we're in great shape. :-)

However, we have a chance of winning those six states. If we lose one, I prefer it to be VA.

McCain has a narrow window, but narrow is better than a brick wall. If McCain pulls off a big upset in a state, please God, let it be CO!

Critical point: If you hear a lot Tuesday night about the "Wilder Effect," you are allowed to cheer and have a couple of drinks. That refers to the time when Doug Wilder, of some African-American descent, was ahead in the polls by 9 points for Gov. of VA. In fact, he ended up winning by just under ONE percent. People fib to pollsters for much the same reason they hang up on telemarketers

I have a hunch Obama will get about 3-4% fewer votes (and McCain about 2-3% more) in battleground states than the polls suggest. If that doesn't happen, the Obaminable One probably wins.

When I need sources of optimism, I look back to the Dem. Primaries, where Obama was supposed to win NH big (and he lost rather badly) and come close in PA (where he lost by almost 10 points). Must have been "the Wilder Effect," right?