Christine O'Donnell, Katherine Jenerette, Tim Burns, Patricia Lightner, Dan Gilyeat, Marco Rubio, Sarah Palin, GOP, Republican Party, Conservatism, Lou Barletta, Carly Fiorina, Rick Barber
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Why Parties Elites Hate Palin
Why do the elites hate Sarah Palin, why the American people generally love her?
Steve Maloney is a political activist and writer living in Western Pennsylvania (Ambridge, Beaver County). I've taught English and American literature (and writing) at Wm. & Mary and the University of Georgia. I've worked as a speechwriter for many huge companies -- Phillips Petroleum, Gulf Oil, USX (U.S. Steel), Aetna, Merck, Lilly, and many others. I've written two books and am engaged in writing two others. I live now in an old "mill town" (the kind Obama called "bitter") in Beaver County, 15 miles from Pittsburgh. I love it here. My main activity in 2010 will be to take every step necessary to help Republicans win back the House . . . and to add six or more US Senate seats. First things first: after the Nov. election, we can focus on winning back the presidency. I will be working directly with as many as 20 candidates for federal office. You can e-mail me at: God bless you all.
Great toon post, Steve.
Hey - a little birdie told me it was your birthday. So, assuming said birdie was correct, I figured I'd drop in an see whats up.
By the way, I just nominated you for the Sarah Palin Day Award @
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